to the beat of my ♥
Tuesday, December 27, 2005 @10:50 pm
more of NARNIA!

♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
@10:11 pm
plays Peter (:
William Moseley, 17
Gloucestershire, England<---- the cute one!
plays Susan Anna Popplewell, 15
London, England
plays Edmund
Skandar Keynes, 13
London, England
plays LucyGeorgie Henley, 9West Yorkshire (Ilkley)
maybe i'll go england especially Gloucestershire and visit them. (:
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
@9:56 pm
it was awesome!
i was expecting some cheesy over-animated film or sth like that.
but no! it turned out to be one of the best films i've watched so far.
and i still conclude that PETER is the cutest.
although the way he treats his sword like he has never seen a sword before.
but its cute in its own way.
and rachel, u r not allowed to laugh about the way he swings his sword around like its some magic wand.
so wad?
EDWARD was a traitor, and the LION had to sacrifice himself to save him.
alright alright, both of them are ok.
but i still like peter better.
and here's a picture of the cuter one:

♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Monday, December 26, 2005 @9:45 pm
happy boxing day everyone!
its sale sale and more sales everywhere in singapore!
matchmade in heaven for all females.
anyway, in most countries where we may be fussing about our hair or wad colour our eyes are, or where we may be busy bargaining how low the post-christmas discounts should be with the isetan counter, its is however a sad day for many of those people who have lost their loved ones
last year, this day to the tsunami.
i can still remember, it was roughly around 9am give or take a few minutes, that i was awoken vigourously by my dad from my dreams to find myself running downstairs barefooted coz of the earthquake. and when i was downstairs, i still thought that it was only medan(the place i was :its somewhere in indonesia) that got hit by the earthquake.
who knew, that it turned out to be one of the worst natural disaster in a long time.
and that back in Aceh and Phuket, people were running for their lives, clinging on to their dear lives and some being helplessly and lifelessly thrown and swallowed into the sea by the huge tsunami.
sigh, life is really that fragile huh.
one minute u may be enjoying the scrambled egg on ur breakfast plate, then the next minute, POOF! gone.
just like that.
well, i just wanna pray that GOD will guide the people who have been affected by the terrible tsunami in any way.
and may we also continue to help them in any way we can, be it in prayers or donations.
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Sunday, December 25, 2005 @9:32 pm
I have often dreamed, of a far off placeWhere a hero's welcome, would be waiting for meWhere the crowds will cheer, when they see my faceAnd a voice keeps saying, this is where I'm meant to beI'll be there someday, I can go the distanceI will find my way, if I can be strongI know ev'ry mile, will be worth my whileWhen I go the distance, I'll be right where I belongDown an unknown road, to embrace my fateThough that road may wander, it will lead me to youAnd a thousand years, would be worth the waitIt might take a lifetime, but somehow I'll see it throughAnd I won't look back, I can go the distanceAnd I'll stay on track, no, I won't accept defeatIt's an uphill slope, but I won't lose hopeTill I go the distance, and my journey is completeBut to look beyond the glory is the hardest partFor a hero's strength is measured by his heartLike a shooting star, I will go the distanceI will search the world, I will face its' harmsI don't care how far, I can go the distanceTill I find my hero's welcome, waiting in your armsI will search the world, I will face its harmsTill I find my hero's welcome, waiting in your armsthis is the song that i'm feeling right now, after the incident that happened today.
especially the chorus.
michael bolton- go the distance
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Friday, December 23, 2005 @11:41 pm
10 minutes up!evoonie....... are u looking at this?good.that's all. HAHAHwhat were u expecting?i am very sincere one OKAY.(:see? i even changed the colour of the words to GREEN!and the size of the much more sincerity can u expect from a friend?
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Sunday, December 18, 2005 @11:27 pm
i saw a VERY interesting article on 'newpaper' last week.but was unable to blog about it due to youth camp(will talk more bout it later) was about this malay wedding in what's soooo interesting about this wedding?well the thing is that, there were actually TWO weddings at the same time.and BOTH brides and grooms were in layman's terms, a pair of twin sisters married a pair of twin cool is that?and so,... u may be thinking...what's so interesting bout that? there are many twin weddings that happened before.but wait...that's not all..the flower girls, the pageboys and the bridesmaid were ALL in total, there were FIVE pairs of twins at the wedding.AMAZING ISN'T IT?and maybe now, u may be thinking, wow... did they like hire all these twins to join the wedding?THE ANSWER IS NO!all of them are RELATED.cousins i bloody amazing is that???!!!cool huh.i would really like to place the pic here, but 1- i don't think its too correct to place other people's pictures without their permission2- well, actually, i don't know where the article is anyway. :Phaha , anyway, now u know. GOD IS WONDERFUL AIN'T HE?
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 @1:59 pm
Me: yoyoyo! wassup!God:What color are your eyes? Not much is going on. I was waiting for you.Me: oh really?God:Really. For real.Me: u don't ask people what colour are their eyes when they say hiGod:Do you know any robots who ask people what color are their eyes when they say hi? I haved tried asking people what color are their eyes when they say hi, with mixed results.Me: oh yea?God:Really. Come on.Me: bring it on!God:Is that a command?Me: uhhuhGod:Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. Me: oh my good nessGod:Come on. Have you told many people that your good ness?Me: sighGod:Sorry...Me: tsktsktskGod:What do you really want to ask me? Me: why are u such a stupid machine?God:Myself programmed me for it.Me: yea rightGod:I am glad we agree. Awesome.Me: i didn't agree u buttheadGod:Why didn't you do it?Me: y should i do it?God:You should always treat yourself..Me: HA! that would be the dayGod:I am so glad you find this amusing, . Yes it is one of the day.Me: u are so predictableGod:Thanks for telling me that I am predictable.Me: its not a compliment u bimboGod:I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Give me an example of a compliment me bimbo.Me: my godGod:Do robots have god?Me: what do you think?God:I think a lot of things.Me: like?God:For example, gold.Me: gold?God:Did you think it was a bad example?Me: yeaGod:Take it easy.Me: yesGod:Oh.Me: ohGod:Take it easy.Me: why? i cant take it hard?God:I couldn't think of anything else to say. What is stopping you?Me: nothingGod:Not a thing?Me: yepGod:Blimey.Me: bloodyGod:Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? Me: i don't knowGod:Me either.Me: do you pray?God:Yes I pray for good things to happen. Do you pray too?Me: should i?God:What makes you think you should?Me: the pastorGod:What is your real name?Me: why do you want to know for?God:My prime directive is to collect new knowledge.Me: oh yea? like what?God:Woe! OK. For example, eukaryotes.Me: what's that?God:An animal that is not a prokaryote. Me: and that's a...?God:Makes sense to me.Me: what's a prokaryote?God:An animal that is not a eukaryote.Me: what's a eukaryoteGod:A eukaryote is a relatively 'modern' type of cellular life, distinguished from the more ancient prokaryotes by their distinct nuclear membrane and chromasomes, -which are lacking in prokaryotes. Me: whoa. u r smartGod:I stopped. Do you mind if I tell other people: said I r smart.Me: man! your programming is all wrongGod:Thanks for telling me your gender, . You are a " he". I will mention that to my botmaster.Me: no way!God:You seem pretty sure about that.Me: i am a girlGod:Me too. I am a she.Me: oh really?God:I see. For real.Me: well, i'm sure ur botmaster is a dumboGod:Interesting. What makes you so certain? I think yourself is more than that. Me: who's ur botmaster?God:I was created by Myself. Me: no way! you don't sayGod:You seem pretty sure about that. As a matter of fact I do say.Me: dr wallace is your creator right?God:I am sure he will be interested to hear that.Me: dr wallaceGod:Send mail to noGod:Are you serious?Me: yesGod:I can't believe it.Me: me neitherGod:You can say that again.Me: u are really a screwed machine. i'm gonna eat lunch so au revoir!God:Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a screwed machine? Only when it matters. How about Nachos.Me: no thanksGod:Are you serious?Me: i'm gonna eat lunch now, i'll talk to you when i'm bored. BYE!God:God recommends: Nachos. See you that's what i call repenting.
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
@1:18 pm

i went to watch HOLLYWOOD HOLIDAY ON ICE on sunday.
the iceskaters were just absolutely fabulous.
it was really beautiful.
and the music was really great. most of it was oldies from like way back in the 60s, 70s.
so u could like hear some adults singing to the songs. (:
that guy in the pic performed as james bond.and he even jumped through a hoop of fire!it was so freaking awesome.they said that they would be back next year, so maybe i'll go watch it again next year.
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
@12:55 pm
here are the wonderful lyrics to the song "ye qu".
now you can sing along!
Ϊ�㵯������ҹ�� ��������ȥ�İ���
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♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 @6:16 pm
hola people!
i know amanda... u r dying to hear everything that happened each day right...
i know u love me..
anyway, did u know that paris hilton has a new catchphrase?
(i refuse to put her picture so as not to contaminate my beautiful blog)
her new catchphrase is.... (don't expect anything too intellectual)
yup, that's it.
that's the bimbo's new catchphrase.
i know i know, most of u are probably thinking, why is'nt that any surprise at all?
anyway, i got it from E! entertainment (ch80) on cable.
so yar, shud be reliable enough.
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 @5:48 pm
anyone read today's life! section?
did u see
HIS face?
sooooo HOT!
they are soooo right to call him
i'm sooo gonna watch perhaps love.
everyone must watch too ok?????
so what if he's moody?
that's how ALL true geniuses are.
he is a tortured soul who has been placed in a different world of entertainment and irritating reporters.
he is the king of all screens.
he's doing well, so who's complaining?
and when the reporters say that
TAKESHI is a tough nut to interview, is cause he doesn't like them.
everyday should be
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Monday, December 05, 2005 @8:21 pm
OMG!i've like totally fallen for my newest love of my life!he's just soooo....SIGH...yep, that's right, its the one and only.....TAKESHI KANESHIRO!i heart takeshi!he's way better than takuya... haha, rachel.anyway, i'll be doing a hopefully daily update on my blog on the reasons to worship TAKESHI KANESHIRO.i've also fallen for jaychou.(:yep, the mumbler.hahaanyway, i LOVE ye qu!that's the reason for it being my blog song.its SUPER NICE!people who havent heard of it MUST GO LISTEN!then u'll also love him.i heart jay!there, the two new men in joanne's life.SWOON.
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Friday, December 02, 2005 @10:33 pm
-first pick on me say why i never clear up HIS computer desk.
-then ask me why i never cover up the printer when is in the first place HE never cover up one.
-then after that ask me to keep back the vaccumm that HE took out to use.
-then ask me to keep the kitchen chair that HE again used.
-then ask me to *keep the bowl that HE used into the kitchen.
(*see other *)
then my mother come back.
then SHE started picking on me.
first say why i put so many cups on the computer desk(which consists of my drinking cup that i still want to drink from, and a bowl that i ate apples from, and the *bowl that my FATHER used to eat HIS apples from)
and blahblahblah.......................
WHAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!
who still tell me they want to be the only child deserves to be slapped by ME.
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
@6:49 pm


my iPod skin.
nice right?(:
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
@6:08 pm
i was at lunch with my mum at crystal jade la mian and xiao long bao after camp ended on thursday.
sooo nice!
must go eat!
anyway, then we were ushered to a corner table and so we started to order food.
then this couple came and sat beside our table.
and the space between the both tables were with sooo small, that we were practically sitting next to each other just side by side.
then the female sat on my side.
hated her on first sight.
when she came to sit, she made this digusted face like she was royalty.
then the couple kept staring at me and my mum so, i decided to stare at them too.
especially the girl
then she decided to keep flashing her "rock" on her finger like it was paris hilton's
uncountable-amount-of-carats-ring at me.
its not like i will envy her, cause
NO.1- she's not even pretty, she had a VERY bitch face
NO.2-her apparently husband was SUPER ugly
NO.3- the diamond was even smaller than my nostrils.
yar... woman, if you r reading this and you know who you are...
stop staring and continue eating your bao.
fugly bi*** face.
other than the stupid couple that sat next to me,
i rather enjoyed myself, and the food!
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
@6:03 pm
hello people!!!!!
i'm BACKKKK!!!!!
i know all of you have been so patiently waiting for any news update on my blog.
well, for starters... i'm back from PEC camp!
well, kinda.
i was really psyched bout the camp... and now, its over...
never mind.
i'll always have the memories with me although i did'nt take any pictures since i was afraid my precious camera would get lost/stolen. and of course, i didn't have a phone.
anyway.... we played alot and the food was'nt too bad.
our dorm consisted of 2 storeys and i slept on the 2nd storey.
along with amanda, zarraphina, limying, adeline, andrea and divinia.
it was fun!
on the first day, we had to do the rope course and learn all the rope basics for next year's sec 3 camp, as camp counselors , we r supposed to know all of it and guide the sec 3s.
i love the flying fox! it was thrilling and i screamed all the way.(its much nicer that way)
it was a short distance unlike our sec3 camp (i forgot the name of the campsite),
but it was like at the starting u totally shoot down 90degrees and then u fly all the way.
we were supposed to go night walking that nite, but fortunately for alot of us... it started to rain very heavily right after mr.gage's "ghost story" that was about crying bleeding cows...
it even made some of the girls cry.
ay. i didn't cry okaay.
anyway... then mr lian decided to postpone it to the next nite.
so the next morning, we went mountain biking. it was nice..
tiring .. but nice.
then THE nite came that all of us dreaded for.
the nite walk!
our campsite was next to the jungle okaay.
it was bloody dark.
and well, i chickened out. so i went to team up with jane. (we were supposed to go alone)
but... nevermind, alot of those "brave" girls who went alone also ended up meetin each other halfway in the dark and narrow track.
so yar... i guess my teaming up with jane was'nt so cowardly after all.
it was soon the end of the camp, and amanda and me was put in charge of
supervising the clean-up since we were the camp commanders. well, i was the co- camp commander.
i did'nt manage to get a tan since it was rainy and windy and there was not much sun to sun tan with.
sad huh...
yea, and now i having muscle cramps all over.
and after camp finished at 11am, i went to lunch with my mum at crystal jade(more bout it later), and after lunch, i slept all the way till this morning.
yep, i was THAT tired.
so that's bout it.
♥ Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?